Being a former nail biter myself I know how hard it is to stop the habit. You probably would've tried everything from nasty tasting varnishes to plasters on your nails or even nail extensions. Been there done that, got the T-Shirt.
The thing I find with nail extensions is you suddenly go from short to (most of the time) ridiculously long, its such a big change for the mind. You start to bash your nails on things & this therefore leads to nails pinging off. Underneath is the short, rough nail you were hiding from temptation ready for you to freely nibble at again. I gradually got myself out by constantly painting. As soon as they chip or break a little, re varnish them until they were long & beautiful.
What my program consists of is using acrylic instead of varnish. This will let you gradually grow your own nails, so you get used to them as you go but also prevent you from biting through. (From my experience they are parrot proof).
So if your feeling stressed, nervous, bored or hungry you won't be able to eat your nails. Try finding alternatives to the habit (Not Smoking) but maybe putting a loose elastic band around your wrist & pinging it when you get tempted. You can see where I'm going so get creative.
Nail Biter Program
Week 1
1st appointment - Overlay of Acrylic of what nail you have.
No paint no nails as it won't look right.
Time 1h30m Price £16.50
Week 3-4
2nd appointment - Infill of Acrylic after 2-3 weeks.
Paint optional depending on length of nail.
Time 1h30m Price £19.50
Week 5-7
3rd appointment - Infill of Acrylic after 2-3 weeks.
Paint included
Time 1h30m Price £19.50
Week 7-10
4th appointment - Acrylic removal & a shellac paint.
Paint included
Time 1h30m Price £22.00
If it's like smoking then you should have your habit broken.
Any pop off's are repaired for free, book in as soon as it happens.
If you leave, the temptation will come to nibble.