Opening Hours
Mon - Fri Days vary each week
Sat/Sun Closed


Covid-19 changes to Foot Treatments:
Nail technicians are to not touch feet until they have been soaked in the bowl. 
Clients should wait for technician to set the area up before taking a seat, then remove shoes, socks, tights, etc. sanitising hands when seated.
Reduced Services: No hot wax treatments available as brush cannot be cleaned completely so deep cream is all that's available in the luxury range.
Also no gel polish treatments are available as the brushes can't be cleaned easily between clients. Varnish treatments only if you wish to have a colour.

Express Pedicure (No soak, just a quick file & shape)
with Varnish - 45 minutes - £10.00
with Colour Shellac/Gel polish - 45 minutes - £15.00
with French Shellac/Gel polish - 45 minutes - £17.00

Basic Pedicure (Soak, file & shape, foot scrub exfoliation, soak & foot file, massage) - 55 minutes - £TBC
with Varnish - 75 minutes - £TBC
with Colour Shellac/Gel polish - 75 minutes -£25.00
with French Shellac/Gel polish - 75 minutes - £27.00

Luxury Pedicure (Soak, file & shape, foot scrub exfoliation, soak & foot file, deep cream treatment, massage) - 70 minutes -£TBC
with Varnish - 90 minutes - £TBC
with Colour 14 day Shellac/Gel polish - 90 minutes - £30.00
with French 14 day Shellac/Gel polish - 90 minutes - £32.00

Deep cream can be swapped for Hot Wax as an alternative. (hot wax not suitable for diabetics)
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